Critical Naturalism

  • Critical naturalism is an attempt to engage with the societal and ecological problems of our time including domination, capitalism, exploitation of nature, the belief that their is only one type of science etc. and it emphasizes personal experimentation through the lens of critical naturalism to dismantle these problems and repair our catastrophic relationships between each other and the more than human world.

‘Independence from nature and domination of nature are two sides of the same coin. There is no emancipation without liberation within nature.’ –

  • Through critique and experimentation were strive to create transformation within ourselves towards expansive change so we no longer perpetuate the ideas, biases, beliefs, habits, and customs that got us to where we are today.

‘Critique promises a non-violent mode of cultural transformation, the possibility of transforming our lives with care.’ –

  • We critique and analyze our history in order to understand where change must be made on a larger scale as well through restructuring systems, institutions, conduct, thought etc. Critical naturalism’s goal is the formation of 3rd nature and thus is an expansion on the ideas of Social Ecology by Murray Bookchin.
  • Related To:
    • Social Ecology
    • Queer Ecology
    • Jineologi
  • References:
    • The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin
    • Third Landscapes & Gilles Clement

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