A.Z. Device

Writer | Philomath | Eco-Chaplain | Herbalist

This site is a living document on my continuous attempts at unlearning and dissolving the constructs and patterns at the root of our collective dysbiosis in the face of overwhelming and catastrophic climate collapse. This is a place of societal compost and experimental ritual cartographies.

Topics may include: fermentation, hydroponics, techonology, neo-luddism, languages, diy projects, research notes, monthly compost, fabulation, mythology, world building, ecological ethics, social ecology, anarchism, communalism, degrowth comunism, foraging, herbalism, and more.

‘The decolonial task is to understand and face the loss of relational worlds and, with them, the loss of earth. It is about the restitution of hope in the possibility of enacting relational ways of inhabiting earth, of being with human and nonhuman others and of relating to ourselves.’ – Rolando Vázquez